Lots of hard work going on over here:
Ian and I figured out how to have a great snow day with minimal effort. There was no snow at our house, but there was at his parents house! Mom and Dad were great!! They came and got the kids, played with them, and fed them.
We (I mean Carolynn) discovered that Abigail had Thrush. She took the fact that I will do anything she tells me to a new level. She claims that she "forgot" it dyes your finger purple!
But, she has taught me many other things though. Like how to teach a baby to sleep. This is a MAJOR accomplishment for me (and her). I was thrilled that one of our babies took a two hour nap, away from home, and in a bright room.
As today has not been this easy with her sleeping, I am holding onto these moments of capability.
As for the "big kids"? They each have moved onto the next math level. Isobel was more than thrilled to get her new math book.
Where has Carolynn been for the last 18 months??? She's never taught Apollo how to sleep...
HONEST!! I really did forget. I DID tell you it stains everything.
So very glad that I have been an encouragement and things are looking better. Sledding looks very fun. I like people that play with your children and feed them. Love you friend!
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