Sunday, October 25, 2009


I believe Saturday was national Make A Difference Day. A church we have been trying out is big on community, and so participated. Our project was a park clean up, that just happened to be across the street from our house. So the kids and I geared and loaded up. Everett's participation fulfilled some Contenders and Scouts requirements . . . as well as warmed my heart. The first thing we had to do was clear the blackberry bushes. That is not easy! But many hands make light work. E was GREAT! Once shown how and what to do, there was no stopping him. In true man style, Everett dug to the roots and yanked them out.
Bel did her part to. I was surprise at how in to it they both were. Ev just kept going and Bel attacked what she could.After the berries were gone, it was time to plant trees. I was proud again at how Everett whole heartily went about his work. He had a mission and worked at it despite me, kid, teen or adult. He easily worked alongside whomever without a second thought.
After planting five trees he was more than ready to move on to something else. What could be more fun for a young man that a claw to pick up trash . . . and gross out your mother with it :)
Way to go buddy. I am so proud of your diligent hard work!

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