Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Who would not want more of this? Cornwall's last message was about where can you make a difference. There was a blank to be filled in in our notes addressing where our hearts have been lead or touched to "go and be" like Christ to others. I filled mine in with "orphans and basic human needs". My friend sitting next to me filled hers in the same way. She said it was one more reason why we are friends. =) Anyway, its been on my heart and mind and so now it is on my calender. I will be attending the orientation meeting for foster care and adoption. Ian was reluctant to say any kind of yes in fear of my heart being set on something. I understand where he is coming from, but I told him my goal was to complete the home study and be available to fill a need. The idea of an opportunity (or 2) literally knocking on our door and us not being able to open it due to legal paper work makes me sick to my stomach.

If you are in anyway interested, I will be attending the May 5 orientation meeting here in Bellingham from 5-9pm. I would love to go with friends! There is no commitment or expectation following the meeting. If you just want to come for some information (for now or later), please join me.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

YAY Simpsons! Congrats on opening your hearts. We'll be praying for your family, the ones there now and the ones yet to join!