Monday, March 30, 2009

Where have we been . . . ?

We have been in the land of no schedule. Dad's schedule has been quite flexible lately and in our house daddy time trumps all! Including our normal schedule (using the term loosely here. Thus my normal blog time misplaced). Everett and Ian were able to help out a neighbor with a project even. They have been able to do a lot together in fact. This unexpected time with dad and the fact we homeschool means that we have been able to do so much together.

We were also able to go to Seattle and help out my parents with a project too. I always like going there since they live right next to one of my favorite stores (Goodwill), they have a hot tub, and we all get to see family!! There is a great video of my mom teaching Everett some science using our empty water bottles and filling them with water or air and placing them in different positions at the bottom of the tub to see how high they would pop out of the water. I love in the moment, real life, learning.

But this little girl is frequently living in moment. Here she is thoroughly enjoying two of her latest creations. Menu item 1 is the taco meat and beans as served for dinner with her own addition of . . . blueberries. And yes she did eat it all.
Menu item 2 is the eggs and sausage as served for breakfast one morning with her addition of . . . peanut butter. Ok, this one I can kinda see. But the blueberries still has me wondering.


Echo said...

My mom gave me the best snack idea. Cut a big tortilla in half and roll a cheese stick up in it then microwave it for 15-20 secs. We dip them in salsa or marinara. They are so yummy. Sebastian even likes them and he does not like cheese sticks.

Anonymous said...

Do blueberries go in that . . . . Tami

Syndi said...

I think she's very creative! There's actually a book, The Sneaky Chef or Deceptively Delicious (can't remember which) that uses blueberry puree in ground meat.

Love to see what you're up to!