Remote Control! That is all Everett is able to talk about. Do you know that game "Seven Steps to Kevin Bacon", where when naming any actor, within seven movies you can reach one with Kevin Bacon in it. Everett is able to do that with any conversation and within one step begin discussing the remote control car he would love to have. I am seriously going to see how I can turn it into lesson plans for school (fine and gross motor, problem solving, ... any suggestions?)
He now has it though. I am not sure witch of my boys is happier. Daddy for making the huge smile on Everett's face or the one on his own since he wants one too.
Isobel is in her own little heaven too. We have been Franklin fans since Everett was tiny. We found a title we did not have yet (hard to believe), Franklin and Harriet. She loves it! It is about Franklin and his little sister Harriet. I do not know if it is because I handed it to her when I found it, its cover is purple, or because of the little sister character, but it is HER book. She hides it under her bed for safe keeping in fact.
I am having my own little joy too. There are no pictures in this post since I am in bed (migraine yuckies). My head is not so bad mainly my stomach. My husband is home. They have each other and toys. Just me and my bed here. Extra time here only happens in extreme cases.
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