Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Solid Rock Homeschool Camp

Welcome to one of the highlights of our summer! Solid Rock Camp was offered to our family. A two day camp out with 6 families and almost 30 kids. These are some of our most favorite people. All home schoolers, all Christian, all great people that you would want to surround your children with. Here Everett is "checking in" with the camp director (and host) Mrs. Bergeron. He gave his name and received a bagged breakfast, team colors (camo) and dorm number.

Isobel had a good time with the little ones. The little ones participated in the coloring, play dough, and bubbles. Here she is with Ruby. Ruby and Isobel are only three weeks apart. They know each others names and get excited to see each other

Here is Everett's team the "Courageous Crusaders". Every team had an adult leader and a jr. leader. Togetherness and encouragement were themes of the camp. Any responsibility and kindness earned a water balloon for your teams jar for the water balloon fight on the second day. Boy did we need it too. It was so HOT, around 90. We had 6 tents that became "dorms" for each team. Each team needed to clear the ground for the tent that they worked together on. Evie was able to camp out overnight. He loved it!!

Here is the meal line. Everyone washed up, grabbed a tray, and had the best camp food. I was one of a couple moms asking for recipes. Once done, and they wash their tray, they earn tickets for the snack shack.

We had a great time with familiar and new friends. Here is Isobel and Isais (3 yrs?) Is he not one of the cutest. His smile and sweetness are the best.

This was like any other fantastic camp. Games, water relays, team work, smores, camp fire with songs (ours were our favorite church songs). I am so glad that they are hoping to do it again next year. It was a lot take on ladies!! Count me in for any planning help you might need.

Thank you ladies for all your hard work. Thank you families for raising such awesome, Christ loving children, fun and encouraging young people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a blast. What a cool thing to plan and do. You are blessed with amazing friends. Miss you!