We were able to sell the tree we cut down a while ago as firewood on craigslist. I encouraged our son to help load the wood. He said he would rather not and I guess that was ok. How happy my heart was when he went and readied himself to do the work anyway . . . on his own and in his own timing. I was bummed when I went to take pictures of his manly responsibility only to discover a dead battery. How proud I was of him to selflessly serve another with no expectation of reward or compensation. Just his serving heart and a great altitude to participate in anothers benefit (and to clean up our back yard). He even maneuvered the wheelbarrow! Empty of course but still a challenge for a young gentleman. Thank you Evie for showing another Jesus' love and your parents fruit of hard work! We are proud of you!!!
P.S. It is our 10 year wedding anniversary, more hard work and great fruit, but I must go care for the one politly asking to get up from her crib.
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